Discover our Warehouses to Let in Bedford
The Bedford warehouse market has recently seen new development at Bedford Commercial Park and G Park, Bedford Wixams. Supply of industrial and warehouse units within Bedford tends to be clustered around the Elm Farm Industrial Estate on the east of the town and the Woburn Road / Kempton industrial area. Both schemes have good access to the A421 dual carriageway which links Bedford to both the M1 (Junction 13) and the A1 (Black Cat Roundabout). Manton Lane is the other major industrial area on the northern edge of the town but a lot of this is older stock. Other notable warehouse schemes in the area include Bedford Link Logistics Park developed by London Metric and Fuse at Wixams, the six unit warehouse scheme recently developed by Wrenbridge.
Key logistics occupiers within the town include Movianto, Sainsburys, Carlton Packaging and Viovet who recently took 116,000 sqft from us at Progress Park.
Bedford occupiers recognise the benefit of the A421 dual carriageway which links Bedford to both the M1 Junction 13 and A1 Black Cat Roundabout. Improvement works to Black Cat are due to complete in 2027 and will improve road links to Cambridge.

The Morewood Centre, Wallis Way, Bedford, MK42 0PE

B97, Bedford Commercial Park, Bedford, MK43 9ST

7 Caxton Park, Caxton Road, Bedford, MK41 0TY

4 Caxton Park, Caxton Road, Bedford, MK41 0TY

2 Caxton Park, Caxton Road, Bedford, MK41 0TY